
Founded in
Kathy D'Agostino
"Kathy learned the art of chocolate when she was a young girl working her very first job at a chocolatier located around the corner from her family's home. She worked there for many years learning the skills of chocolate making. Although she moved on to work in the field of merchandising and design, she always kept the dream of having her own chocolate shop.... Kathy has always let her creative energy guide her and now it has taken her back to her dream of having a small chocolatier, right here in the Magic City. She opened the shop in 2017 and has enjoyed watching the once quiet streets of Birmingham Alabama slowly come back to life....Chocolatá uses single origin chocolate that is ethically sourced from 100% Latin American farms."
Some specialities: fresh fruit ballotin, chocolate charcuterie, mystic eyes.
1927 2nd Avenue North
Birmingham 35203
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Abbreviation Key
Chocolatiers with the following notations sell at least some products of this type, according to our research. To be 100% certain about a specific product, you may wish to contact the chocolate maker directly.

= Bean to Bar

= Organic

= Vegan

= Gluten Free

= Kosher

= Fair Trade

= Sugar Free
Please note: Brief quotations above are from chocolatier websites to help provide insight into their processes.